Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Some interesting Statisitics

While I was searching the web for some more relevant info regarding the music industry, I came across some interesting statistics. The one I found most poignant is shown below:

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According to this graph, it would appear that streaming is the most common medium for people to access music from the web. I found this surprising and a little worrisome. It surprised be because this would mean that the majority of people do not download their music anymore, they steam it off of a website for a one time use. This worried me because this would cut out all sales of music over the internet all together. I guess it is a good thing for artists' merely trying to get exposure. The other surprising aspect of the graph was that it showed that legal downloading is more common then illegal p2p downloading. It was also nice to see that the amount of legal downloads increased over the past year. Well, make what you want of the graph, but I think it speaks volumes about the internet and how it is effecting music today.

1 comment:

joe. said...

I think that chart is excellent. I wasnt really surprised that streaming is most popular, since it can be free, and almost as good as having the music right on your computer..