Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What I learned from my classmate's blogs.

Legalization of Marijuana

From Jacks blog I learned about the histroy fo marijuana and how there actually seems to be quite a bit of negative impact from the criminalization of Marijuana. I was surprised to find out that Marijuana costs the government millions of dollars a year in jainling offenders who have broken the law. I found it interesting as well that many offenders have actually owned the marijuana legally and where jailed unjustly. The fact that Barrack Obama is working towards rethinking these laws was nice to here about as well.

Internet Music

Although Joe's blog was similar to mine, I still learned a lot form visiting his wiki page. Most of the inforamtion that I have written down about interent music was taken from his hard research. I learned from him how the internet is hurting record sales and is also utilized in helping promote obscure artists. I was also interested to find that the recording industry is where the interent has hurt labels the most. I would have assumed it would have bben the promotional aspect but Joe's wiki shed light on this topic for me.

Drinking Age

I thought Natalie's wiki did a great job in telling me about a contemporary issue I didn't even know existed. I had no idea that many government officials were rethinking the drinking age and that maybe the dirnking age was going to be lowered to 19 or 18. Natalie raising the question "How young is too young" was also very inciteful and her voice thread was very informative about thsi topic. I though that the fact that the drinking age was hightened just to combat drunk driving was also very interesting.

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